“Sreyas Vs Preyas” – Vedantic Wisdom
Sreyas – Ultimate Glory n Happiness comes from an “addiction” to Hard Work, struggle and STUDY – unpleasant and uncomfortable but gives real significant Happiness of ACHIEVEMENT in life.
Preyas or Sense PLEASURE gives immediate, superficial, instant gratification and lust fulfilment but weakens the mind for hard work or systematic STUDY and GROWTH.
EXAMPLE overeating, binge-ing, movie-watching social media, chatting etc
Hence Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, one of India’s greatest ever modern day teachers of Ancient Indian Vedantic Wisdom Traditions says STUDY and Sense Pleasure cannot go together
Those who love studies – live and prefer the Higher Life Path of SREYAS or Ultimate Glory.
Those who love immediate and ephemeral Sense Pleasure seeking – they choose the easier life path of what is CONVENIENT not what is RIGHT for life – call it PREYAS or Pleasure!
As Rafael Nadal said recently at his Press Conference before his Australian Open Final 2022 “If the wins are easy, it isn’t of as much value as winning after a lot of struggle and hard work!”
This is a modern day Great Champion’s Experiential Validation of a modern day Experimental Teacher’s words!