Sri Rama Navami!

Mar 31, 2023

There is a word that symbolises the idealistic human being in the Ancient Indian Wisdom Traditions and it is believed that his birthday – today – is celebrated across ‘the world of the Indian diaspora across the world’ as Sri Rama Navami!

Ram! Rama… Sri Ram! Shree Rama….. Jai Shree Ram! The undisputed hero of one of the largest epic works of poetry in the world celebrated across not just India or the Indian diaspora but largely across Far Eastern Asia-Pacific countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia etc called RAMAYANA is the largely stoic, serene, saturnine Sri Rama. What takes him beyond historical validation, mythical or chronological acceptance into the realms of Godhood is the intrinsic depiction of perfection in human behaviour. The Purushottam – or ‘Uttama Purusha’ or Man of Perfection – aspect of this portrayal makes Lord Rama an ATTITUDE FOR THE FINEST OR HIGHEST LEVELS POSSIBLE FOR LIVING A LIFE OF PERFECT CHOICES.

Historical dating by joining the dots looking back helps us to imagine such an inspired play of life but the rituals are mere details. The ‘spiritual’ depths trump the ‘ritual’ practices which by themselves are stunningly undeniable down the ages. Lord Rama believed to be born on Navami or the Ninth Day of the Waxing – not Waning – Moon is the quintessential man of the world as the ideal Role Player!

I felt inspired by this poster and the words of Swami Swaroopananda, global head of The Chinmaya Mission, describing Lord Rama. I realised it is an attitude to be invoked in each human being to live a life of ideal choices for a changing world.

“Excelled in every role he donned?”….. Let me wish you – and me – the good sense to stay inspired to take the right decisions in every role we play in life professionally and personally!

Let’s invoke the ‘Rama’ in each one of us to excel in the ‘drama’ of life as it unfolds!

2170cookie-checkSri Rama Navami!