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Happy Deepavali

Oct 25, 2022

DEEP (Light) – AVALI ( Row of) means “a row of lights” in our Ancient Indian Wisdom TRADITIONS in the Sanskrit language which got corrupted to the more easily pronounced “Diwali”

Here is wishing a bright future for the entire world as one FAMILY – also referred to as “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” Again, like Adam in western Biblical tradition, Vasudev is the single point of origin of our species.

Hope you will have the time to save and read these inspiring words of the great contemporary Spiritual Master Swami Chinmayananda (1916 – 1993) which goes beyond explanation to action for us all to shape educational trends on managing the planet. Sri Krishna is a Master of Strategy

“Dipavali from Krishna’s Angle”

  • Swami Chinmayananda

“It is, indeed, a fact that it is not moths alone that are attracted by lights, but man also is endlessly fascinated by lights.

Even in Communist countries, based on the human enchantment for lights, they have torchlight marches to express their protests or applaud their heroes.

In India, faithfully following our spiritual culture, we, too, have a night of lights called Dipavali (dīpa, light; āvali, row). The Puranic tradition attributes this day to the victorious return of Krishna after killing (the demon) Narakasura — the destruction of evil and the victorious celebration of light.

The light of Consciousness in the bosom of individuals, illumining all their apprehensions, is Ātman, the Self. The flaming Existence in the bosom of all is dramatised by the clay saucer in which the Hindu fills the oil and lights the wick. He decorates his home and the streets with the rows of such naked individual spots of light.

In a bosom, the wick of the mind is maintained by the oil of vasanas(tendencies) When the oil of vasanas is over, their distinct flame of existence flutters to become one with elemental fire.

Remember the significance when you light the little clay saucers that are bodies all. Keep in your mind the significance of the oil and the wick. As you stand in wonderment at the beauty of the rows of lights everywhere, learn to feel elated at the light of divine Consciousness that flutters in the hearts of all living beings. Harm none; respect life everywhere. And when, one by one, the lights disappear, train yourself not to weep, but to reflect on how the manifested light disappears into the unmanifested fire divine.

Explain this in simpler ways to your children on the sacred day, when they have finished with their fireworks. Introduce them to life and its glories. Take, as examples, the flower that dies, leaves that fall off, plants that wither, or a dog or cat that might have died at home. Guide them to realize that this life is One in all forms of existence — plants, animals, and humans. If you can bring reverence to them for Life, you have given them the beginning of spiritual education.”

From the book:
_ “On Higher Flights – with Swami Chinmayananda”

Book 1._ by Anjali Singh

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